We design mission-critical website pages, typically 4-12. The pages that are critical to the conversion point, moving the user down the marketing funnel from the awareness stage (Homepage, Blog, Resources), to interest (About Us, Services/ Products) to consideration (Case Studies/ Projects, Why Us?, Clients/ Reviews), interest/ evaluation (Contact Us), and purchase for ecommerce (Cart Checkout).
We always have a design to development hand-off meeting and include the client once the mockups are all approved. This way everyone is on the same page. Also early on in the process from the initial design concepts we work closely with our WordPress developers to stay aligned and on track from design to function.
No, our team is fully in-house. We consider ourselves a high touch, high-quality boutique agency that has a small team of professionals. Each team member has 7+ years of experience.
You get one round of edits in the wireframes (phase 1) and two rounds in the mockup phase.
No, we custom design your WordPress website based on competitor analysis, inspirational research, best practices for user experience, and trends. The design is presented before we start coding and building a custom WordPress theme.
We almost always recommend professional photography. We typically work with a photographer on providing photography direction – what to do and not do. Sort of a style guide. Usually a website ends up using a blend of professional and stock. We do recommend a few high quality paid stock libraries including a few free ones (with limited inventory).